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Pie Beans String picture

Pie Beans String.

Pie Beans String picture
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Instead of pie weights or baking beans or beads use pie beans string, a neat, tidy string of beads to weigh down your pastry cases when blind baking.

Rather than having lots of little balls or beans requiring baking paper or parchment to stop bits sticking into the pastry, the string pie weight beans are joined together in a stainless steel metal beaded string.

Spiral your 3 foot, 36 in / 91.4cm long Pie Beans String directly on your pastry pie case.


Remove in one go.

No mess or trouble, paper bits or pie beans spilling all over the place, just a simple clean up in soapy water.

Instead of having lots of ceramic pie weights rolling about, you have a simple pie beans string where lots of little stainless steel beads are joined together.

Granny may have used beans or ceramic baking balls.

But then, she sucked eggs, and did not have the benefit of the internet.

Or the discovery of Pie Beans String.

Bet she would be baking if she knew.

Pie beans string weighs 40g, several may be needed, consider size of crust and type of pastry and that steel is denser in weight than beans, rice or ceramic when deciding how many to buy.

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