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Cushion Solution.

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Cushion Solution is a gel which goes inside rings adjusting ring sizes. You do not need ring adjusters or reducers or ring snuggies.

Ring sizing and sizes are difficult as your finger size changes over time.

So what to do?

Jewellers resizing rings can be expensive, you are stuck with the result and the ring, maybe an heirloom, has been changed.

Enter Cushion Solution.

Simply apply inside your ring, allow to set, and you have padding.

Reduce with a knife or build up as required.

Now, too large rings can fit and almost right rings no longer slip, so your stone always faces out rather than slipping around your finger or moving up and down.

Cushion Solution is near invisible, unlike ring reducers, and there is nothing to catch or snag, or to collect mess when wearing.

Applying Cushion Solution as padding can also create comfortable clip on earrings for children, both little girls and older kids.

If your size changes, Cushion Solution is easily removed.

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