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Unique Drapes Maker picture

Unique Drapes Maker.

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The easy way to beautiful curtains and spectacular drapes is the Easy Draper Unique Drapes Maker.

You get four frames with instructions telling you how just to position and thread your curtains using the frames to create spectacular designs.

Suddenly you are the master of swags, valances, even dragon sleeves.

And those are to start with.

Achieve you effects without making any alterations to the curtain material.

Be creative, you can fit the frames along the top of your window to span a large window, instead of a curtain rod or pole, or around the window frame to create capricious cascades of curtain.

People will ask, even demand to know, who your designer is.

As well as the ultimate in curtain accessories, the 4 frame Easy Draper Unique Drapes Maker we also send you great instructions, 10 brass hooks and 10 cable curtain ties and a PAL Video

Curtains and drapes, prepare to be beautiful.

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