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Create stunning candles in just minutes with the scented candle making kit.

Scented candles made to your own design

Add beads, shells, glass and other non flammable decorations of your own choice

Each pack makes up to 20 candles

The kit includes packs of wax that are liquified when placed in hot water (approx. 80c) for 15 minutes, or for 2 to 3 minutes in the microwave.

Then you simply pour the wax into non-flammable containers of your choice to create stunning candles.

Add the wicks provided and you can decorate them to your own taste.

The packs are scented with lemon and vanilla to create a pleasant aroma too! Each kit will make approximately 20 candles.

Scented candle making kit includes 2 x 600ml perfumed bottles of wax and 2 lengths of wick

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