Intelligent battery charger lets you recharge ordinary batteries as well as rechargeable.
The issue is that if you overcharge normal batteries they can start fizzling and even explode.
This charger has an inbuilt microprocessor to act as an advanced battery tester.
Your battery, dead or low is tested. If it is faulty, you are told to reject it, if good, charging can go ahead.
The type of battery is recognised, both size and if it is rechargeable Ni-Cad, high power, alkaline, Ni Mh or basic zinc carbon.
Then power levels and timing are adjusted to match that particular battery and the battery`s needs, you may only want a refresh or top up rather than a recharge.
The makers have a patent on a pulse charging system which is safe and more efficient and effective.
The health of the battery and charging time are shown on 5 LED indicator lights.
You can actually recharge ordinary batteries, up to 10 times (the device tells you when they are spent and need recycling) so you are saving money while saving the planet.
The smart battery charger and tester is 28 x 18 x 6cm (please check on a tape measure) and we include a UK mains adapter or you can use your own multivoltage adapter plug.
Handles AA, AAA, C, D, 9v and N batteries.