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Ratchet Pruners For Gardeners.

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These Ratchet Pruners For Gardeners make pruning in your garden easy.

This particular patented design has a high carbon steel blade meaning it is harder, has a sharper edge which lasts longer and can be resharpened more than stainless steel shears you may have been looking at.

The blade is coated in a non stick material PTFE to slip through wood.

You will also appreciate that handle is also wider than normal, and be impressed by the unusual finger grip in the handle, and the rubbery flexible PVC grip which presses into your palm.

Going through a 2.4cm branch with a 20.5 cm 8 in garden tool made of aluminium light enough to snip with is also pretty wow.

The manufacturer says that their ratchet system is actually 50% effort saving compared to a regular "bypass" 2 blade tool.

Of course there is a safety lock, this is between the handles, protected to help you avoid accidently opening the sharp blades.

If you have never owned a ratchet pruner before, handles grip then release each time you squeeze with the blade going deeper into the wood you are cutting through.

The pressure is created by the levering action of gears rather than the pressure from your hand.

This means that even people with arthritis can still usefully enjoy their gardening.

Of course you sometimes need a delicate touch, these are smart enough to realise this.

Go to cut a stem or twig, and they sense the pressure and just cut instead of building the pressure needed for thicker wood.

As you know, conventional secateurs have two blades which can rub together. The ratcheting pruners are of anvil type, one blade squeezing into a metal platform.

This is particularly useful on deadwood and fibrous green wood which can be especially tough and damage scissor style secateur blades.

It also makes breaking down branches to fit in recycling bins easy.

These Ratchet Pruners For Gardeners would also make extremely welcome garden gifts.

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