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rapijet refillable gas stove.

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This incredible mini portable stove is not only ideal for fishing, camping, the beach, BBQ’s, Festivals and for indoor use, but it is refillable with ordinary butane lighter fuel.

No more hunting for a particular make of gas canister! The handy mini gas stove refills from ordinary butane lighter fuel, which can be bought almost anywhere, including garage forecourts, corner shops, supermarkets, newsagents etc.

With built in electronic piezo ignition you don’t even need to find a match or lighter to get it going! More economical than gas cartridges, the 50ml butane fuel tank will last for up to 3hrs - a standard can of butane lighter fuel contains 200-250mls (not supplied).

Complete with a pan support frame, the whole kit is made from robust stainless steel and folds down to a compact size.

When assembled the rapijet refillable gas stove unit measures 16cm in diameter x 11.5cm high.

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