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Pet Food Mat.

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A super absorbent pet food mat which can soak up up to six times its weight in water, but is quick drying, and comes clean in your washing machine.

Yep, Dogs and cats are no respecters of kitchen floors when eating or drinking, so we place pet food mats underneath their food and drinking bowls.

Then the mats get mucky too, and ain`t too pretty.

A howl and cry worthy situation.

Until now.

We have a cheerful paw print design that just fits in.

With viscose and polyester solving the problem, making a pet food mat that is the dogs bark and the cat`s meow.

Spread out the mat, there`s a rubberised backing to grip on your floor even when your pet walks over the mat.

This looks neat and means your floor is protected.

60 x 40 cm protected (way bigger than other pet food mats)

If there is a spill the mat is ready, grabbing up to 6 times its mass in water.

If you are out, this could save a lot of repair costs.

Smaller spills will, in the warm, just dry out.

When needed clean up is a washing machine away.

So if your doggone dog has dog gone and done it again with the water or your cat has another cataclysm, it really is no longer an issue.

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