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personal portable air coolers.

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Have something here on my desk you may like.

Nope, you are not getting mine.

It one of our personal portable air coolers.

What it simply does is blow air through iced water at you.

The personal portable air cooler is a cream plastic box, inside there is a water bottle with a valve, it feeds water into a container and a sort of mini climbing frame soaks up the water into cloth bits and a fan blows through it.

The extra good bit involves the ice tray.

You freeze ice in the ice tray. (yes, surprising!)

Then post the ice bits into the bottle.

The bits are like giant mandarin segments and it is quick and fun.

Now the fan is blowing through iced water.

And you are enjoying a cooling breeze.

The personal portable air cooler does need you to have one of those cheap multi voltage adapters to work (a car adapter is included)

I found 6v setting on the adapter best.

There is a high, low, off switch, but will not get much use.

Personal portable air coolers are length 21.5cm x width 10 cm x height 21 cm, get through 80cc per hour and the bottle takes 400 cc

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