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Magnetic Kitchen Wrap Holder picture

Magnetic Kitchen Wrap Holder.

Magnetic Kitchen Wrap Holder picture
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We all need some place to hold our packs of cling film or baking foil.

How about this magnetic kitchen wrap holder?

Simply clonk onto a steel surface and you have instant storage.

Made from chromed steel, with rubber feet and superstrong magnets.

You may be limited for space, or be in a let where you cannot drill holes to put up fixtures, this is the answer.

Cling film and foil stay held in their boxes nice neat and hygienic, kept just where and at the height you need them, counter top space is cleared.

Making the most of your space, your roll boxes rest on the two cradles.

And we think the style and price are right.

Chrome coated steel, tipped feet, Magnetic Kitchen Wrap Holder measures 8.25 in across

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