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Magic Garden picture

Magic Garden.

Magic Garden picture
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Magic Garden is a crystal growing kit.

We supply you with a 24 x 15cm 9.5 x 6 in tray and paper models of trees and mountains and plants.

You have fun setting up a beautiful landscape scene.

Put the supplied liquid into the tray and crystals of many colours start to grow in about 3 hours.

Crisp white snow appears crowning the mountain, cherry blossom trees burst into full bloom, a riot of flowers dazzle.

All in pretty many coloured crystals.

In about 10 hours the scene is complete and you have a magical crystal garden which lasts, so you can keep it on display.

An ideal holiday activity for children magic garden is exciting (check back frequently throughout the day to see the changes), fun and educational, demonstrating chemistry, as well as being magical.

Magic Garden crystal growing kit is safe for children.

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