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The good thing about fingerless gloves is the ability to use your fingers.

The really crummy part is that your fingers get cold.

There has to be another way, and there is.

Gloves mittens.

You have fingerless gloves, tucked neatly and held in place with velcro is a mini cap.

Perrrzzzziiipp. You move the cap over your fingers and you are wearing mittens.

And comfy warm fingers.

Perrrzzzziiipp. And you are back to work with fingerless gloves.

These gloves mittens pack in more ideas than simply being convertible.

Notice how your old gloves always wore on the inside thumb, between thumb and palm and could not grip?

Remember how the palm got wet through?

These glove mittens are reinforced with suede type pads just where you need them.

And talking of wet and warm, the pure wool gloves have a Thinsulate 3M lining, a super water repellant and warmth trapping fibre.

Please let us know on the order page if you would like Medium or large size glove mittens.

Medium will give roomy warmth for children.

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