Here is a handy manual home food slicer you can adjust for meat slicing or even use as a bread slicer.
Place firmly on the table or countertop.
Fasten down the suction base.
We should now have a firm secure set up.
Adjust the knob which moves the slicing guide.
Position your food and turn the handle.
The stainless steel blade slices through your food.
Big hearty doorsteps of bread, thin melting slices of meat, salami or cheeses.
Even slice a Sunday joint.
It is like having your very own delicatessen in your kitchen.
Talking of which, look at some supermarket or deli pricing.
Buy a chunk of salami and it is way cheaper by weight than sliced.
Same with cheeses, meat, ham etc.
No one is slicing pricing as they use a similar working machine to slice for you.
Also, as you are preparing yourself, the slices probably will not get the chance to dry out or shrivel.
In fact you will probably use the food slicer more than you think.
Slicer food, made thin and delicious, often seems to taste better than
regular food.
When done with the food slicer, wash or wipe clean, fold up the base and store.
31cm or 21 in length