What a fantastic idea! This folding wheelbarrow is amazingly compact yet durable, incredibly strong yet flexible.
It flat packs to be portable so that you can store it easily - or transport it in the boot of your car.
The folding wheelbarrow weighs just 2.6 kilos but can carry a full load of firewood.
And you know those irritating little piles of leaves you can't scoop up?
You can now. Just flatten the barrow on the ground and brush the leaves straight in. An absolute must have for every gardener.
- revolutionary 'must have' new wheelbarrow
- compact, folding wheelbarrow weighing 2.6 kilos
- Made from 16mm diameter steel tubing and super strong polyester mesh.
- 76 x 131 x 20cms
- lies flat to brush garden waste straight into barrow
- practical, durable, cleanable!