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Folding Shopping Trolley picture
Folding Shopping Trolley picture

Folding Shopping Trolley.

Folding Shopping Trolley picture
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Here is a folding shopping trolley with wheels.

That`s right, it folds down into a pouch just like fold up shopping bags.

But with a quick unzip and a couple of twists, you have a proper shopping trolley you can wheel shopping in without having to lift all the time like a regular foldaway bag.

Folding shopping bag measures 10 x 12 inch (26 x 30cm) when folded, 24 x 10.5 x 8 inches (60.96 x 26.67 x 20.32 cm) when opened up.

That makes for a normally manageable size and weight when filled, you want a fold up trolley, not a fold up you.

Now we are shopping.

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