These are water bottles with flip down water bowls for dogs.
The way these portable dog water bowls work is you fill the water bottle.
Then when you are out and about and your dog starts looking thirsty, you flip down the water bowl, squeeze on the bottle and water comes out.
Your dog then happily and gratefully laps up the water.
There is little mess as you are controlling the water flow rather as if you were hand feeding, so is great when travelling, or in the car when a bowl spill could be messy.
In hot weather when dogs really need water, one of these portable water bowls should be taken on every walk or jog.
Add a little meat flavouring to the water for a yummy surprise or to replace fattening titbit treats as a reward when training overweight dogs.
This is something dogkind has long been waiting for.
The water bottle with portable dogs water bowl is designed to prevents leaks and spills, is 26cm when the water bowl is folded up and the bottle takes 500ml, half a litre of water.
Greatest invention since the stick.