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Fits all standard vacuum hoses Carry handle and air-tight lid

No more dirty hands- quick, easy and safe Now you can clean up after all those dirty jobs without risking damage to your vacuum cleaner.

Ash-Wizard acts as a filter between your cleaner and the dirt it sucks up, ensuring that ashes, glass, wood shavings and leaves are drawn into the tough 20-litre can and don't reach your cleaner bag.

Simply connect your vacuum hose to the inlet on top of the can and attach your usual vacuum tools to the flexible Ash-Wizard hose supplied.

Once the debris is cleared and any ashes have cooled, simply unclip the lid and empty into your rubbish bin. Measures 13" x 10.5" dia. (33 x 27cm).

  • Fits all standard vacuum hoses
  • Carry handle and air-tight lid - No more dirty hands- quick, easy and safe
  • Measures 13" x 10.5" dia. (33 x 27cm).
  • Ash-Wizard acts as a filter between your cleaner and the dirt it sucks up, ensuring that ashes, glass, wood shavings and leaves are drawn into the tough 20-litre can and don't reach your cleaner bag
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